Monday, September 7, 2009


Diary of a Madman
Thoughts and experiences of myself as an innocent CIA prisoner of the Bush Administration. They blame each other for crap and I can’t tell who is telling me what and if its true. I can’t get any legal help or assistance and all medical appointments are sabotaged.
Ron Steiniger, Jr. 314.426.2768
Apparently, I’m the hero that President Reagan was talking about in his 1981, inaugural speech. I’m always enraged these days and the three times I read the speech I didn’t comprehend much. I once read that being tortured is the absolute worst situation in which to try to learn. That’s just in case someone else is lying and trying to push some made up benefits of hate training by bombarding a victim with hate surveillance and sabotage as a good motivator. I think that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a victim as well as Brittany Spears and the boxing champions Tyson and Ali. In fact, I think all celebrities that overdosed in hotel rooms were victims. Did Heath Ledger really die? What about Russell Crow and the band Alice in Chains? I’ve been getting tortured with the hate surveillance and sabotage to make me feel as if I’m serving some kind of home detention sentence, which I am not. I was never charged or tried for any such enemy combatant or any other offense and I’m not buying that being a vegetarian and a compassionate animal rights activist 20 years ago is the reason I’m a target on the president‘s ‘enemies list’ today. I was just enlightened in January of this year, 2009, that I may be an heir of Howard Hughes but the Republican Nazis ripped off my family just like they did to EnRon. My name is Ron. What’s up with a sniper on the ChevRon storage drum firing gunshots into passing traffic in the movie Targets? For some delusional reason, I think Hollywood is involved but I could never say that without being sent to the insane asylum. Its has taken me years to figure out what is going on with me since the Bush Admin loves that ‘shock and awe’ technique so much, they’ve kept my head ringing. I can’t understand why they are torturing me to tell on them. Its hardly volunteer anything Elizabeth Cheney, ya skank whore.

War of the words, huh? These people are so filthy nasty with their lies, deceptive misinformation, and fear tactics. Unfortunately, words aren’t their only artillery. They use Black Ops. like brainwashing, media control, HAARP, and the face of Medusa Rover. Rover and Cheney really are painful to look at. They got to be father and son ’just cause’ they are both so nasty gross, plus who else would accept a serial killer unless it runs in the family? Truth is stranger than fiction. Rover might have been talking about me in his op-ed a couple weeks ago when he was demanding or expecting an apology since they can read minds or tell the future or something and he knew I would say how friggin disgusting I think he actually is. His ear to ear grin that is suppose to cause anger or confusion in his victims and enemies just informs us that he’s so happy he got away with the 911 state-sponsored terrorist attack. They had all kinds of warnings from the CIA and FBI. They even had a confession, I think, on the water boarding torture tape that got destroyed. I’d guess the prisoners that get water boarded have to consume all that water until their stomachs protrude painfully. Hardly just like swimming, eh Cheney Wizard? I’d bet that Cheney’s al Qaeda are the same Nazis of Palestine demanding the complete destruction of Israel. Al Qaeda, Bush’s base, apparently confessed to torpedoing the USS Cole and the 911 attacks. And, why did Cheney always know what al Qaeda was doing? Rover is an idiot with absolutely no remorse which, like I said, must run in the family. Peter R. Breggin, MD lays out the perpetrator’s profile in his book, Medication Madness. Through the perpetrator’s behavior, he 1) denies or minimizes the damage he is doing; 2) rationalizes the harm he is doing; 3) tends to blame the victim; 4) suppresses his own feelings of empathy; 5) tends to dehumanize the victim; 6) feels empowered by gaining a sense of potency from injuring and controlling the victim; 7) seeks to win conflicts through exercising authority, power, and domination; 8) tends to become grandiose and self- centered; 9) becomes alienated from his genuine basic needs.

Let’s redefine just a few words that have had their meanings manipulated to something different, even opposite in some cases, to fool the masses. Opposite day meanings are popular only because of the simplicity which helps them with remembering their lies. Liberals are the smart ones, the intellectuals, so I’ve read.

Enhanced interrogation techniques - they do not mean questioning a suspect

Conspiracy Theory - motive by deduction for two or more people planning and committing a crime or series or crimes that usually includes some kind of morbid and sabotaged Black Operations of the CIA that is classified ’top secret’ for bogus national security reasons. What national security? The USA is not afraid of any other country. National security only protects the crimes of the classifier.

Communism - originally meant a government owned state where everyone is treated equally and there is no real self-determination.

Socialism - a government funded humanitarian effort like universal health care.

Capitalism - a free market system with the survival of the fittest mentality. The goal is to increase shareholder wealth. A shareholder is anyone with a vested interest in the gains or losses of a corporation including employees.

Torture, unfair socioeconomic classes, labor camps, the imprisoned innocent, and children’s experimental research facilities don’t automatically come to mind when one of the above governmental structures are mentioned - but Nazi does. The KKK was a political party as recent as the 1960s and 70s that were allied with the Nazis. Was the KKK presidential candidate David Duke a Republican, I’m wondering, because all the Republicans act real Nazi these days?

It’s the major corporations that are abusing ’we the people’ and the government is supposed to step-in and insure justice and peace but the Republican terrorists that do nothing but lie, cheat, and steal have spent the last few decades rearranging the government so that they can not step-in and provide justice or something like that. What clause did the scandalous Texans for a Republican Majority want removed from the energy bill, anyway? A government that utilizes torture and the murder kind of crap would be more of a Nazi, fascist, and KKK punishing regime, than Communist. A Communist government could very easily turn into a punishing regime since the state owns everything but then we call it Nazi like the East German extension of Cuba. Nations would just have to be careful that no graduates from the CIA terrorist School of the Americas or Ft. Benning Georgia gain leadership positions. Also, torture and murder might be considered Communist if you’re Bush Sr. doing counterintelligence work as a member of the Chinese Communist party. I guess it was Cheney that must have told me that Bush Sr. supplied Communist troops to North Vietnam from China. He said that Bush instigated the Tiananmen Square massacre because Gorbachev was visiting that day and Bush Sr. wanted China to appear unstable to the Russian government. Communist China feels that the new Capitalistic opportunities that have presented themselves have restrained ethics and social freedoms of its citizens. China is Bush’s territory of the Carlyle Group of investment bankers. He was at one time the U.S. Ambassador to China.

I heard a rumor from Bush Jr. that Cheney was the current or a recent Master Wizard, the leader, of the KKK and I bet J. Edgar Hoover was at one time. The History channel showed the American Communist Party as the enemy of the KKK Nazis with a gun battle fighting each other in the streets in the 1960s or 70s. Nixon, Reagan, and Bush Sr. always talked about the Communist as if they were Nazis. And, Joe McCarthy was probably trying to pick off liberals with the Red Scare like a witch hunt. Why do the Nazis always blame the innocent for crimes they commit, as if in some sick twisted way they are not actually committing a crime if they are open about the issues. That might help the perpetrators pass a lie detector test or something but those are inadmissible for war crimes anyway. Throughout history, haven’t some innocent entertainers been booted from the country for being on Nixon‘s ‘enemies list‘? The Nazis from the CIA have sabotaged religions with pedophilia and the holy war. Your Holiness, please don’t help any members of the Bush Administration seek refuge and hide. Never forget what happened to our 911 heroes. Bush, Cheney, and Rover are the actual modern day Nazis and are trying to control mass amounts of people with the manipulation of the legal system and the media by using misinformation propaganda for brainwashing. They have controlled content broadcast over radio, TV, and satellite for years. Subliminal messages are illegal as hell but very simple and effective. Theta waves off the TV and CRT computer monitors relax our conscious mind where judgments are made making our subconscious minds more susceptible to brainwashing. I think serial killers were created by the CIA, err, the George W. Bush Intelligence Agency just to create fear in citizens. Fear makes it easier to manipulate unwitting people. Remember the Bush Admin raising the terrorist threat level to orange before the election just to make voters easier to manipulate and people would be less likely to assume he won by cheating and voter fraud like he did. They always use diversions to hide their cheats. Like the ass Nixon that won reelection by a landslide right after he got busted for Watergate. Back to the serial killers. I think the Zodiac said killing was better than sex. Bush told me that the identity of the Zodiac killer that used to dress in a black KKK mask and sheet to hide his identity is really Cheney. Do what you want with that info but you didn’t get it from me.

The ‘enemies list’ of today from Bush Jr. still seems to attack those for liberty and justice but are trying to label the targets as terrorists. At least 1000 innocent Arab Americans were picked up after 911 and probably tortured to become suicide bombers. I read that Muslims are not suicidal for any reasons so you must know its absolute complete brainwashing when an Arab becomes a suicide bomber. Of course all the suspicious Arab Americans that were picked up and tortured were innocent. The Republican Nazis already proclaimed supporting the ‘contras’ which translates from Spanish to ‘against revolutionists‘. Why would they torture their own contras or terrorists? The definition of a revolution seems to be whenever liberals are fighting for truth, justice, and the American way or the power to grant fundamental human and civil rights. On the other hand, it seems to be a coup when Nazis or guerilla terrorists are trying to overthrow the government to steal the country. That’s just an observation that seems pretty accurate. I’d say that Bush Jr. is the associated leader of the Taliban and Cheney is the associated leader of al Qaeda. Bush said that Cheney performed a secret strategic coup on Saudi through the business Aramco Oil rather than with his National Guard.

One last point which will be about Richard Helms and Sydney Gottlieb. These were the people known and busted for conducting illegal experiments on unwitting citizens. I’d say they probably call them black ops. Helms argued that experiments are only accurate if people do not know about them. What a complete jack off that brainwashes people to commit crimes. I think Charles Manson is his most prized work. He always seems to be secretly manipulating the media somehow. Well Helms and James Jesus Angleton, the CIA director of counterintelligence from 1954 to 1974 created the Chaos program which was spying and sabotage of innocent domestic citizens that they classify, with national security protection, as enemies. Not criminal enemies but liberals, entertainers, and orphans. The program was supposed to be shut down in the 1970s when Angleton was asked to leave the Agency. Someone got barred from doing intelligence work in the USA.

Nixon appointed Helms as U.S. Ambassador to Iran in 1972 which was already Nazi controlled from a CIA coup back in 1953. I think all the names mentioned, Angleton and Helms were actually aliases for Bush and Cheney but I don’t have any proof. Congress barred one of them from doing intelligence work in the USA because of the experiments on people that weren’t informed. I think there was a marriage of Saudi Arabia (home of al Qaeda) intelligence with the USA intelligence which a sick mental perpetrator might think would legalize his barred spying on US citizens. Don’t let either person use the insanity plea for a Borderline Personality Disorder.

Ok, this will be the last point. The CIA control all drug trade which goes back to Zapata Offshore drilling which was a Bush business. Black Ops. use all illegal drugs as weapons, such as heroin, crack and meth. If they don’t get you with addiction, they get you with prison. Why didn’t Rush Limbaugh do time when he was doctor shopping for Oxycontin addiction? Bush Sr.’s nickname used to be poppy to represent the illegal treatment of the citizens in Burma, Afghanistan, etc. where he was a farmer of the poppy plants. Cheney must’ve told me this crap. Happy Poppy Day is November 11. Everything criminal that happens on the 11th is code for crime committed by Bush through the CIA - it never fails. Its his serial killer signature.

Dang, one more point and that’s it. Some evidence that 911 was an inside job is that Bush Jr. was reading to the little students to keep him out of Cheney’s hair. He had War Games scheduled that day to confuse the military. He had to have flight 93 shot down because the passengers were overpowering the terrorists and taking back the plane. What did Bush say he was going to do to the terrorists for which he’s not even looking? The buildings fell like they were professionally demolished along with Building 7 several hours or a day later that wasn’t hit by anything. Bombs were continually exploding while the firemen where rescuing victims inside the buildings. What happened to the melted down gold stolen from the basement of the WTC? The plane that hit the Pentagon, American Airlines Flight 77 was really a rocket that the military couldn’t intercept because it was playing war games with Cheney. Flight 77 disappeared like the passengers into the witness protection plan. In No Place to Hide by Robert O’Harrow, Jr., he mentions that Barbara Olson, the wife of Solicitor General Ted Olson, was aboard American Airlines Flight 77 that crashed into the pentagon. At a dinner party the couple gave two nights before the attack, she gave her guests a gift photo book called Washington, D.C.: Then and Now as if she already knew all about it. I think she may have actually been a woman with the Alias Eloise at the Chiropractic school I went to. We really should move as much as possible to a non-allopathic (non-pharmaceutical) health system. The last I heard, Eloise was in China with her husband.

Last one. Mercury amalgam is the material used for tooth fillings which is toxic that causes neurological disorders and cancers but is big money for big Pharma. Why is dental so far separated from other medical care. What’s dental like in other countries? I think they have one regulating body and probably no oversight committee. No, I’m only kidding, I don’t know that much about the industry except that sugar rots our teeth and we are coerced to be addicted to it very early in age with Halloween. Most people are destined to get type II diabetes if the addiction takes hold which causes blindness, renal failure, and foot amputation. The Adkins diet is the cure. All carbohydrates, including starches, are sugar and we’ve been sabotaged to get the toxic fillings that cause a whole host of diseases. I think the fillings may have been used as bugging and surveillance devices.

Was Bernie Madoff the media guy from Australia that sold the Nazis a system of propaganda. Does he control Direct TV? Maybe not, I don’t know.

Lockerbie bombing seems like the wrong man was convicted, in my opinion. I heard something about it the conviction being a rush job by President Clinton. I bet that whole Lewinski scandal was a scam. He told us he didn’t have sexual relations with that woman and the next day the media implied that oral wasn’t considered sex. We bought it. Linda Tripp is a bi*tch though, isn’t she? And Starr, get a life. That president’s desk, though, with that trap door down by the feet is cool, I bet. Just in case. I think the prisoner from Libya was released because he was innocent since men don’t usually die from prostate cancer. We are all going to get it by 75 years old and non-treatment is a common treatment option, I think. I’d say black ops sent an innocent man to jail and Monica down on the Boa.

I already know I’m going go be killed but I’ll work on another article about what they are doing to me with HAARP, the environmental warfare technology that can be considered weather, electricity, nuclear, and biological warfare against me. I may be an heir of Howard Hughes but HAARP can manipulate DNA so I will never know. Hughes worked in intelligence also and he may have equipped me with bio-surveillance when I was a baby or something because these perverts know everything about me. Hughes could have been worried that we would get ripped off but I reported them for the charge of genocide to the U.S. Attorney General. All information has been kept away from us. In fact, my whole Hughes and Johnson targeted families know nothing about Howard Hughes. I read about Jack Real that was trying to rip him off while he was getting sick at the end of his life with an AIDS like illness. I think John Holmes was one of his best friends and I’m not sure if that’s the John Holmes in the adult film business that died from AIDS, or not. AIDS is a big deal in the black ops., though. The AIDS, Inc. (2007) documentary persuades us to believe that the actual first line of defense, the AZT medication, is what causes full blown AIDS.

In Michael Moore’s movie, Fahrenheit 911, Cheney “feels no reason to apologize for Halliburton as the former chairman and CEO of a major American company.” Well what about the value of the Options he maintained in the company? Does he want to apologize that they rose from about a half of a million dollars to over $10 million due to the war? Were those LEAPS or did he keep renewing Options for the company? Wouldn’t that be insider trading? He should be sorry since its war profiteering and its actually a major multinational company that was given exclusive rights on U.S. war contracts. Also in the movie, the BBC news headline reported on Wednesday Dec 3, 1997 was Taliban to Texas for Pipeline Talks. The Bush Administration welcomed the special Taliban envoy to tour the United States to help improve the image of the Taliban government. All of Bush’s friends seem to be terrorists, don’t they? “You know something, we are gonna win Florida. Mark my words. You can write it down!” Guess who said that in Fahrenheit 911. Bush’s campaign chairperson, also in charge of the controversial recounting of the Florida votes, hired Database Technologies to knock liberals and Black voters off the rolls. Why isn’t that illegal?

In the Conspiracy Encyclopedia with the introduction by Thom Burnett, the authors tell us that the USS Cole was blown up by al Qaeda operatives. The book also says in 1986, CIA Chief William Casey committed support to at least 100,000 Islamic militants in Pakistan, who were trained in CIA sponsored camps. Funds were distributed to Afghanistan as well through the ISI, the Pakistan secret service.

I guess Bush, Cheney, or Rover told me that there never was any anthrax on U.S. soil. It was just a scare tactic like falsely raising the threat level as Tom Ridge mentioned in his book. Such scare tactics enabled the Bush Nazi Klan to steal a second election from a confused disoriented traumatized constituency, the trash.

If you harass and taunt anyone back into a corner and tyrannize them, they are very likely to become enraged and go postal or shoot up the school or blow up a government building just like the counterintelligence KKK Republican terrorists expect. Fortunately, since my human and civil ‘bill of rights’ have been taken away I am unable to bear arms to defend myself which is good because I would easily but accidentally go postal. I am forced to only hurt myself since I am completely incapable of trading hate for love. I’m just not programmed that way. What did the 3000 destroyed documents say about Timothy McVeigh? Does he say that he was coerced with mental torture or something?

I’ll be really surprised if this article gets published since I’m not permitted to even file a complaint. I’m under the impression that the perpetrators of the relentless hate surveillance are also my protectors that merely bring me to the brink of death in secret but let me recover as if I was just swimming when an oversight committee member might be looking. Alan Dershowitz suggested that the CIA should video tape all surveillance, err, should video tape all torture, and I’ve been led to believe that many lawyers are watching. Hopefully more than just the Fieth and Addison Nazis. If my perpetrators/protectors are the Bush, Cheney, and Rover Klan, I know I don’t have a chance for survival due to that whole genocide thing, so forget all this crap. Well, maybe it can help you all. Its still not volunteer, Elizabeth whore! They are lifetime criminals but not necessarily my enemies, although I think I am theirs but I don‘t know why. Its not a game, job training, nor reality TV. I know that I dislike and disagree with anything and everything they ever say or do and always will but I don’t get some serial killer rush by trying to target them. I wouldn’t necessarily call them enemies. I truly consider it wasteful to even think about them and very seriously painful to look at. Well, not Bush Jr. as much as the others since he does have some charm which might just save his life.

I’m so completely disgusted with this never ending Nazi experiment. Why am I being coerced to try and publish something? I’ve tried to report this delusional destruction crap to the police, to doctors, to lawyers, to the Red Cross, and the ACLU but no one will even take my name much less listen. The Missouri State Supreme Court prosecutor’s office said angrily that they couldn’t give me any advice. The FBI asked how it was a hate crime then hung up the phone on me. The Missouri State Attorney General’s office said they really only work with businesses even though their sole job is to insure justice. I emailed the Missouri and National Bars. Don’t Nazis get automatic Capital Punishment? DO NOT help them Your Holiness! They are demons that prey. So who has turned to stone for looking back at the city of Rover? The CIA, or now as its called, The George W. Bush Intelligence Agency are the ones that instigated, manipulated, and flat out lied about the priests and the pedophilia. The motive very well could have simply been a bet. They faked all them calls and complaints of that one priest in Boston that was beat to death in jail. Don’t forget, Your Holiness. Forgiveness has never meant friendship. Has anyone ever heard about The Privacy Act of 1974? It gave individuals the right to know and correct information that was being collected and shared about them. And they say they don’t brake any laws. Oh yeah, I forgot they speak in opposite day language all the time. That would be illegal if I was king. So would exploiting loopholes to escape justice. So the Nazi KKK Republicans have a conspiracy to torture me? How about guilty by association for all Republicans terrorists and put the burden of proof as their responsibility. Come on, everywhere else in the world, Republic means fascist.

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