Monday, December 14, 2009

Ram research was a cheney company that did credit card research ...

to accomplish stoc k holder wealth by any means necesarry which Chales Osgood mentioned but i spicened. Why does this blog only display a single message at a time? Its setup to display five messages, shiteaters. Or, is it just supposed to bug me? salt, salt, salt salt and pepa's here,,, but the rest of you homos need to look busy, jesus is coming,, isnt that funny,, i told sister joan about that bumpe stiker because it tickld me so much,,, gosh if only i had known,, the cia greedy trash scumbags had me fearing my life because they hooked me up with john green that was hiv positive,, oral sex with freshly flossed teeth before and after with so much precum that I had to quick doing 69 because it creeped me out. Gosh, if I'd only known cia greedy trash were able to send telepathic messages into a military chamber,, im pretty black and white with sex since they have always telepathically overwhelmed me with hiv infection ideations. I'm really not a paramoid person. I'm not ashamed to be gay. I'm humiliated to be manipulated, exploited, tortured, and saotaged. Does master dumbfuckk want the brainwashed masses to decide his fate then vanish after a mock killing? I said shoot the mother fuckers years ago,, jr bush would have been a regretful call but you gotta beak some eggs huh master dumbfuck? See, I don't like calling you anything like big_daddy_nigger_hater because it has the word dad and retarded liz will say im paticapatory or something,, pegged that whore skank nazi, didn't i? you can take the girl out of the trailer, but...

oh yeah, "we didnt come here to lose" made me quiver caaptain. lol,, why do nazi lie to death? They're you're friends, huh. Get rid off them. dementia and obesity? I'm kidding but guess what I came up with on twins? George HW Bush, says the hollywood crack pipeline,, err my bad, wrong team. Hollywood says Bush Sr is the twin brother of ted bundy the busy republican serial killer.

Oh yeah, hollywood also says from comedy central that its not my uncle but my daddy but that's untrue because my daddy is drunk on the coach. LOL,, Its kinda sick but i think it means nasty dude big_daddy_nigger_hater scumbag is my daddy but i reject whatever that means. I think Madonna is his daughter. Their real last name is stored in National Security. The CIA cold War was media and population manipulation. I think the CIA started with the Beatles but Charles Manson is one of their prized accomplishments using multi-level brainwashing and publicity manipulation. Is that the stuff that interests the experts so much super duper dumbfuckk master - vomit. Get of my internal organs bastards. leave me alone. you are complete trash. Hey we didn't really have serial killers before the CIA. Well, I think Jack the Ripper in England in the early 1900's was cheney's dad, darcy knox, im guessing. He killed the blond hookers. Madonna's begiinings as similar to Marylin Monroe is a lie. Full history is a fraud. Remember in that video she burned black jesus on the cross. That's kinda KKK. I bet she was a bitch to Dennis Rodman when not doing PR work. Plus, shes dumb. People say she is smart how she reinvets whore but that her brother Rover. They had me watch the Addams Family and i laughed but its true. Rover is a pedophille of little boy bands so is implied. Hanson was a double spy with the FBI and Brittain I guess for 15 years, I guess. He weasaled out of criminal charges because he was CIA director in the past. I guess they called him Kim Philby over there and in Saudi where his dad St. John was advisor to the royal family while running aramco and conspiring to steal their kindom which is a huge sin over there. Kim Philby was a double agent working for Russia and was the person responsible for the electricutions of the Rosenburgs. Remember the media coverage? They made lying in the media an art but its nasty as hell.

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