Tuesday, September 8, 2009



Is there really an International Criminal Court in Hague that was created in 2002, to prosecute war crimes? I bet its probably just a front company setup by the Bush CIA scumbags since they somehow destroyed our justice system. Remember the Warren Commission Report began in less than 10 days after JFK was assassinated but the 911 Commission Report that had to be persuaded from Bush took 444 days to start. Judge Rankin only had one goal with the Warren Commission which was to prove the ‘dirty little rumor’ that Oswald was a FBI and/or CIA agent wasn’t true. Hoover disliked Kennedy and easily complied. CIA director Allen Dulles was on the commission and complied as well. In addition, he stated that he would lie under oath to protect his boss the President. Both the Warren Report and the 911 Commission Report were only investigatory in nature. They were not set up to prosecute anyone. Judge Rankin didn’t investigate anything else about the JFK assassination. I can not see how publicizing the Warren Report information might have been a threat to national security except to protect those that were supposed to thoroughly investigate the murder. There have been a few similarities with my family and the Kennedys so I’ll just mention that there was an officer Miller on the railroad tracks that day that the JFK caravan was approaching. A Clark Miller shot my grandfather Hughes in the face with a shotgun one time. I don’t know how significant all that is but his real eye got replaced by an artificial glass eye. It was a hunting accident that Cheney was mocking with his hunting accident when he was in office. They do mock executions, too, but I can’t tell who is dead for just pretend. Bush said I would bring people back to life when he was trying to sell me on the Jesus project but I figured they were just trying to create another Charles Manson by calling me that. I think the Pentagon had a Project: Jesus, too.

George De Morhenchildt, was a name mentioned in an Unauthorized Biography of George H. W. Bush that was probably written by Bush himself to create confusion. The book said that George De Morhenchildt was actually a handler for Oswald at the CIA if that was indeed even a real person. The author states Morhenchildt, that died by apparent suicide, and Oswald developed a relationship in which Morhenchildt expressed disappointment in Oswald by saying “How could you miss” when discussing a prior botched assassination attempt. There were many details mentioned about Morhenchildt that seemed as if only he would’ve known and that leads me to believe the author was actually George H. W. Bush pretending to be someone else writing the unauthorized biography pretending to know Morhenchildt. I think for security reasons the CIA didn’t keep records of names or something like that was an excuse for not having Oswald’s name on file as mentioned in Whitewash IV The JFK Assassination Transcript. The book also mentions that Bobby Kennedy actually paid blackmail once or a couple of times because the perpetrators were trying to frame him for the murder. There’s a lot to be said for the ‘shock and awe’ technique.

As far as HAARP goes, its a network of antennae in Alaska the emit a signal as opposed to just receiving one. Doppler radar may do something similar. The electric signal from HAARP creates the Northern Lights phenomenon in the sky. I got the next two sentences off HAARP.net. HAARP is a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic radio (EMR) waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything -- living and dead. Other forms of the radio waves are electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves. Its my opinion that the ELF waves probably cause Attention Deficit Disorder and Fibromyalgia. I think the other radio waves cause snow on the TV and static on the radio. I read something about the military burning up a dog with EMP waves. Electricity works by transmitting electrons from atoms in a loop called a circuit. Electrolytes in the human body can carry an electrical current as can red blood cells. Electrolytes include sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), chloride (Cl-), bicarbonate (HCO3-), phosphate (HPO42-), magnesium (Mg2+). They control osmosis (water transfer between cells), acid-base balance, hormone and neurotransmitter secretions, and optimal activity of enzymes. Early on in my hate surveillance harassment, I remember one of the anonymous handlers letting me know to avoid cancer, eat foods that are more basic as opposed to acidic. That made me realize, which may not be accurate, that’s what cancer is in its purest form, acid. And yes, they can electrocute people with HAARP as evidenced by my scalp blisters. They call it cooking. I don’t know anything about photoelectrons but the perpetrators can somehow see what I see or read my mind or something that I don’t understand. They can control individuals, crowds and armies with this technology.

The main thing about HAARP is, of course, controlling the weather, I think. They call it weather warfare and they can create floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, and ice. Hurricanes depend on warm water temperatures and I’d sat they heat the water with offshore drilling and steer the storm with seeded explosions within the Hurricane and its path. One of the anonymous handlers said that Bush steered Katrina right into New Orleans.

Goddard School may be some kind of child abuse ring or something but I’m not really sure what it is. I think it’s a Bush entity, Tom Delay may have the master list of sex offenders that is supposed to be posted on the Internet.

I read something about Ted Kaczynski, the Unibomber, being CIA but from the looks of his shack where he lived, his handlers abused him badly. I saw on a website that he was also a suspect for the Zodiac serial killer. Cheney must’ve been his handler. Who was McGeorge Bundy of the CIA?

HAARP is a violation of the 1977 United Nations Treaty against modification of the environment.

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