Friday, September 4, 2009

what am i supposed to do to stop the suffering?

No enraged hate, lies to decipher, or clues from serial killers will be accepted. They are not welcomed nor allowed. Plus, I have no free will and no desire to even live. Adderall helps fight some of that pain away but as the trash maker says that makes me into a delusional paranoid lunatic, huh doctor. The anti-psychotics are poison that the HAARP players use to put me into shock. God damn I hate you fuckin people with 'land of law' fuckin secrets. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU. You are torturing the wrong person and I still don't get it. God fuckin damn I hate you. I'm not the criminal, stop treating me with purefuckinhate. It has an accumulating effect. I'm the victim here, for years, possibly for decades or my entire life.

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