Monday, September 14, 2009

submitted to the wall street journal op-eds

Brainwashing Part 1
Mind control as it applies to the victims that much likely is occurring across America and questions who are the actual perpetrators and what are the reasons. Unable to get any legal help or relief, I have been reprogrammed to connect 911 to the Bush Administration to the recent KKK uproars at town hall meetings. Have we as a nation been under media siege and how many of us are being held hostage?
My name is Ron Steiniger and my day and evening phone is .
Brainwashing Part 1
Brainwashing, what is it good for? The perpetrators that use it seem to want to break a victim’s rational thoughts with relentless hate to confuse us so that they may create their own new thoughts into the victim’s consciousness. Although illegal as hell, subliminal messages are extremely easy to incorporate into media and are very effective. Intelligence interrogators may call the first part of the mental reprogramming breaking a prisoner’s will. The hate started for me in 2003, when a buddy turned Nazi on me and was apparently trying to infect me with HIV. Simultaneously, I was flunked out of Chiropractic school as a fag and was also threatened with arrest for being coerced to sell marijuana near a school for a few months. The hate blitz for America began with the 911 attacks and continued with the false pretenses for war and the health care Town Hall meeting uproars. My doctor tells me I’m delusional and won‘t even listen to my story. Neither will lawyers and judges, the FBI, The Red Cross, the Missouri State Supreme Court, Missouri State Attorney General's office, or Amnesty International. I was informed that a motive to torture me was betrayal over a drill bit and that I'm an heir of Howard Hughes. That is my mother's maiden name but it has never been brought up before. I'd say the motive for hate on the country is greed and oil. The nearly anonymous mind control has extended into trying to make me think I was Jesus like Charles Manson and that the media are talking directly to me sometimes. The first book I was persuaded to read was called Paranoia by Joseph Finder. Is America paranoid and delusional just like me? “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you!” I have been brainwashed to write this article and I‘m not really a fan of conspiracy theories.

One of my perpetrator’s war cries seems to be “by whatever means necessary.” I think the KKK used that terminology as did former President Bush when he rewrote the anti-torture laws. The History channel showed that the Nazis were allied with the KKK and once even part of Congress but the American Communist Party were their enemies for civil rights of African Americans around the time Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated. Laws were made that the KKK had to remove their hoods to be in Congress. They were nicknamed the Invisible Empire and eventually dissolved into what very well may be the hate expressive Republican Party of today. is a hate website for white nationalists, the new politically correct label, that boasts David Duke's membership. Wasn't David Duke once a candidate for the Republican Pesidential party nomination? I did once see a picture of former VP Cheney in a black sheet holding his hood in his hands standing next to several people wearing white sheets and hoods but it was on the Internet and those can easily be doctored. In Towers of Deception, The Media Cover-Up of 911 by Barrie Zwicker, the author mentions that Cheney had War Games occurring about flight high-jackings with the military while the real attacks were actually taking place. That’s probably why Bush was kept busy reading to the school children so he wouldn’t be in Cheney’s hair freaking out. And, what about the bombs that kept exploding in the towers to ensure the professional demolition of the buildings including tower 7 that was never hit by anything. What happened to the gold from the basement? Isn’t Cheney the boss at the National Guard that also established some other armies around the world? Palestine perhaps to create Nazi-like terrorists to completely anniliate the Jewish holy land of Israel? The book says that Cheney had flight 93 shot down because the passengers were overtaking the terrorists. I guess he didn’t want the terrorists tried and the pieces to be put together that he may actually control al Qaeda. I'm assuming Aramco Oil that began with Chevron may have taken over the House of Saud where the Bushes used to be great friends. I heard Bush let Cheney interview candidates to be Vice President and that he was the one that really ran the White House. The confusion of the War Games with the military was the reason the military was unable to intercept the plane or rocket, yet to be determined, that hit the Pentagon. I think in Fahrenheit 911, Michael Moore shows how the FBI and the CIA tried on a few to several occasions to warn the Bush Administration of the impeding attack but they were always dismissed. Remember the destroyed tape of the al Qaeda members that were water boarded and confessed to torpedoing the USS Cole and the 911 attacks. I wonder if that is from where the warnings came. Maybe they disregarded the warnings because they already knew of the planned attack, anyway. That state-funded ‘inside-job’ terrorism is more Nazi/KKK stuff. I heard Hitler was the mascot for their Skulls and Bones secret society of poets.

The CIA or the homegrown terrorists, as labeled by Cheney, have mentally isolated me so much that I don’t know what to believe as true or what is part of the “Alice in Wonderland“ reprogramming in which I‘ve been forced to exist. I’m coerced to read novels and watch mysteries to extract nuggets of nonfiction information while remaining in isolation. I once read that the CIA controls 90% of the news media and that even the entire country is being brainwashed. All of my thoughts are controlled by systematic reprogramming as I guess must be everyone else’s. Cheney’s Nazi/KKKism must go back for years since that he may actually have had, stay with me now, he may actually have had a face transplant or plastic surgery to change his identity. Could Cheney merely be an alias for someone that was barred from Intelligence work in the USA for experimenting on unwitting citizens. Cheney was a name of one of the Freedom writers that was killed in the 1960’s or 70s. That was also the name of a friend or relative of one of the suspects of the Zodiac serial killer. Could the race war going on in politics be a diversion from the 911 attacks? The 911 Commission Report was just informational not a prosecutorial hearing.

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