Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tom Cruise taught me all that 'ill killu' stuff

I thought he was a secret mentor. He's Bushes idol in TopGun. The cheerleader. His dad is homophobic i bet really bad. CIA aidstrash inventor i bet. I read a little book about his dead sister and the CIA tells me she ran off with a religion group like gypsies called moonies to escape Nazi family. Hey I didnt write this tale so fucku. And what else? The Cheney thing being the zodiac serial killer that was never caught but terrorized the media with encoded messages. They hate him. He must have been Ted Kaczinskis handler. Did you see the shack that fucker terrorized that professor in which to live. They call him the Unibomber. I read that Tim McVeigh was tortured so bad he asked to be put to death. After the OK City bombing there was a bombing a few weeks later at the FBI office where 3000 documents about the case were destroyed. So he was antigovernment is all we get from that tragedy. I never say the government is bad. They would hang me. In hell chat I sometimes say "BOMB USA" but thats relentless stress. Even the people of Iraq like us Americans, Its the government or the Bushes they keep doing that to them. I didnt know that the gulf war was just the usa attacking iraq again. thats a big twin there.

But why do they want me to accuse Cheney of being the zodiac. They even made the voice contacting the media in a motion picture sound like the trash dude. why make it so obvious. I'm not that dumb. He made his kills wearing his KKK nightgown. Master KKK Wizaed sews it with a sewing machine. The KKK and Nazis are the same. Dulles and Helms and Gottlieb and Bush and Jesus James Angleton recruited nazis to the CIA.. They all use aliases and then surveille us. Does the new HDTV system really work both ways so that inside the house is secretly being monitored? It seems all the crimes that Bush and Cheney blame on someone else is the exact crime they have in fact commited. Like calling someone a terrorist. Bush and Cheney are involved in those cult families. I think Charles Manson was trained by Bush Sr. LOL. I'm kidding but someone there did that. Must have been Cheney for the media murder maqybe. They ripped off Saudi Arabia and just about everywhere else. Dont ask me how they do it. They stole the gold from the basement of the twin towers then they tripled its value by dropping our USD to a value of $0.20.

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