Friday, May 16, 2008

They say mental torture is worse than physical,,

... I guess because it appears nonviolent and leaves no marks. But they get in your mind, heart, and soul and rip to shreds. It's like most of us in America that have our credit wiped out, houses foreclosed, and no access to health care. Our poor veterans that fought with their lives for our rights and liberties are treated, not as heroes, but as insignificant mental patients. Gosh, I wish I could think clearly.

Innocent people that are persecuted without rights and abilities to defend themselves, just become enraged, all day, everyday. Did you see the rage in Saddam's eyes before he was hanged for possessing weapons of mass destruction, that everyone knew he didn't have. But Halliburton already sold Iraq repair parts for refineries that were to be blown up, during the fake "war on terror." (I'll come back to credit a source for that accusation that may take me several days or weeks to find.) I have perved-out police giving me all kinds of hell from every direction as well as good and bad leads to information that may or may not be true. This "opposite-day" nonsense is killing me.

Remember that CIA tape that was lost a few months ago, Fox or CNN said, it was the 9/11 confessions. I think we have all heard of the evidence that was ignored before that destructive life changing day. Does anyone remember the bombs that kept exploding in the towers when the fireman where trying to evacuate the people? Plus, buildings that have been hit by planes in the past don't collapse like that, or at all. The fall of the towers looked just like the professionally demolished buildings they show on the History channel. The firemen were sworn to secrecy.

Naomi Wolf of the Huffington Post wrote a book titled The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot, and in it she describes the the steps taken by all governments attempting to restructure into communism or authoritarian societies. I'll post those steps in the next message.

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