Thursday, May 22, 2008

what am i supposed to do?

what am i supposed to do?

sorry about the typos and grammer etc.

they tried to send me to school,, a few times, then they work like mad to get me booted. I wanted to set up something that paid per hit maybe, for Katrina survivors since our president left them for dead. Plus, the son of a bitch, has the weather/blackout machine if you search HAARP and military. He has scientific meteorologists that work for him sworn to secrecy about the hurricanes. Sounds like hitler to me, which just so happens to be the mascot for his little club Skulls and Bones that some of my new CIA pals belong to also.

Let's see what else? You son of a bitch. I was told by two psychiatrists that I could go off my bipolar medicine but both times I wasn't comfortable doing that. So how about the pharmaceutical companies pick up Clinton's tab. Or else I blast them to bits. (hehe wonder what that will do) Yes, we know about contributions, but its like cigarette company's stocks. It will take a dedicated team like them to clean this planet up. Thanks to Mr. Koch indicted environmental crimes. And Tony Blair on trial for war crimes in Brittan. Is that true? As Bush's accomplice maybe in Iraq. And China gave Iran WMD, so China got the Earthquake machine. I don't know specifics about it, but the plate tectonics are weakest where they meet each other so surely the weather machine can do something there as well. Oh yeah, the tunnel in my town ,,

Sorry so reluctant to play 'opposite-day' game.

Since my post requesting a writ of Habeas Corpus wouldn't post, I'll say that I don't really need that. I think my sexuality is a big deal and I'm not sure why, I tell any decent friend that I'm gay which is really kind of a tough club to get into. My Adderall for attention deficit was either stolen or I abused it trying to learn what I thought I was supposed to so that I might regain freedom. I am lifeless without it. My originally diagnosing doctor said wasn't addictive, and I don't want to lose it. We've been through this before and I realized my neighbors taught me to crunch the time release capsules so I specifically requested to not use the time release but to have more than one dose a day. This is simply retarded. No offense to retarded people or the people that love them. My credit has been frozen and my criminal files in my town have disappeared so I guess I really am a ghost prisoner now. I asked the clerk at city hall for a writ of Habeas Corpus and she kind of snarled asking, "what is that?"
Supposedly, the Khalid I spoke about is really a friend of Bush and he was just acting in the documentary, but maybe not. I hope I never see him at a party though. This really isn't very funny, and I don't mean to play like that. I'm not smiling that's for sure. So anyway, this is just insane, but I do need a writ of Habeas Corpus and Adderall, both. No hospitals though, they are even more restraining and the news that I get says both countries from where my doctors are from are communist or secretly that way, India and Russia. My doctors are not terrorists!

Friday, May 16, 2008

They say mental torture is worse than physical,,

... I guess because it appears nonviolent and leaves no marks. But they get in your mind, heart, and soul and rip to shreds. It's like most of us in America that have our credit wiped out, houses foreclosed, and no access to health care. Our poor veterans that fought with their lives for our rights and liberties are treated, not as heroes, but as insignificant mental patients. Gosh, I wish I could think clearly.

Innocent people that are persecuted without rights and abilities to defend themselves, just become enraged, all day, everyday. Did you see the rage in Saddam's eyes before he was hanged for possessing weapons of mass destruction, that everyone knew he didn't have. But Halliburton already sold Iraq repair parts for refineries that were to be blown up, during the fake "war on terror." (I'll come back to credit a source for that accusation that may take me several days or weeks to find.) I have perved-out police giving me all kinds of hell from every direction as well as good and bad leads to information that may or may not be true. This "opposite-day" nonsense is killing me.

Remember that CIA tape that was lost a few months ago, Fox or CNN said, it was the 9/11 confessions. I think we have all heard of the evidence that was ignored before that destructive life changing day. Does anyone remember the bombs that kept exploding in the towers when the fireman where trying to evacuate the people? Plus, buildings that have been hit by planes in the past don't collapse like that, or at all. The fall of the towers looked just like the professionally demolished buildings they show on the History channel. The firemen were sworn to secrecy.

Naomi Wolf of the Huffington Post wrote a book titled The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot, and in it she describes the the steps taken by all governments attempting to restructure into communism or authoritarian societies. I'll post those steps in the next message.

You've even tried to calm me down in chat huh, Mr. President?

The placed I was brainwashed to be so that I could learn about my charges and detention. Then miraculously on day you interrupted daytime TV to request immunity for anyone that is tortured. Well the CIA did the same thing. So then I became a military prisoner. I can't have military status, I'm a mental patient. Bipolar and ADD. Let me tell you my bipolar brothers and sisters, they know when we don't take our prescription medicines correctly, and they don't like it one bit. Sex smears are actually their specialty and like all the coercion and lying they do, the setup and sabotage is undetectable. Well, since the massive cell phone scam was reported on the news, I feel like you will believe that our cellphone are actually reconnaissance tools that track or locations and and what we say. Even if the phone is off, it still acts like a surveillance device until the battery removed. They can also see us from the sky with satellites with enough detail to see the pores in our faces. This is nothing compared to the rest of the crap. They can see me in my house too, and scrutinize everything I do. They say I don't sit on the toilet correctly or eat my boogers fast enough. I don't really do that, I would trick them and put other finger in my mouth. And, of course, they would see me packaging marijuana to sell for them. Its common knowledge I think that the CIA controls the drug trade, huh. That crap, shiity mexican weed, was selling like crazy. They also sell, or set up people to sell, Ice, that's the Mexican version of Meth. Well drugs are one of their biggest cash cows huh, next to insider trading that I can't prove. They control the supply and demand chains for illegal narcotics. Mental torture is their primary skill though. Its written all over the Internet and the Military still teaches these techniques in the Special Forces of all branches. There's some conflicts of interest too, with our politicians playing dual roles, again creating both supply and demand with the war and major multinational corporations that provide defense equipment. Halliburton is the obvious but there are more. Just in case you're wondering, I am not a conspiracy theorist and I never visit such websites.

hmm maybe im a Political Prisoner instead, don't know.

That movie not out yet, so I don't know if that either. That's the way I learn what's going on with myself, by reading different books, watching cartoons, movies, music, etc. But the Ghost Prisoner status is absolute and complete insanity. Its mental and physical annihilation which according to our President says is the necessary way to deal with terrorists. I understand, especially during this war on terror, that incidentally, the whole world is losing. You guys, CIA or FBI whichever do the kidnappings, grabbed my buddy Khaled from Canada during his vacation. This was on December 31, 2003, and held him for 23 days of lawless interrogation. That was the same year I got shackled also. He told you fellas he wasn't a terrorist. Jeez, we're even both German, and you like them. But your CIA guys that have had me encircled all these years, talk trash on you and on me, and make me learn false things. But according to the the Agency is split up in their support for "Extraordinary Rendition" work they must perform. Which very simply is torture. We know you 'don't condone torture' but you plan to do 'whatever it takes' to bring those responsible for 9/11 to justice. Torture is not justice, its illegal, and we have all been deceived by your lies. The CIA have been using your techniques on me - the old, "The truth is the exact opposite of what I intend for you to believe." Many examples later. I need to make smaller posts. So anyway, on January 23, 2004, you told my buddy that you would send him back to Germany but you still tagged him with al Quada label. Khalid El-Masir had no clue what was going on and couldn't think straight. Before he departed, he was led into a medical exam room where he was beaten. Then shackled and hooded for his flight on the Gulf Stream Jet where he was injected with drugs until his arrival in Afghanistan and 24/7 darkness for 5 months. No laws or relief possible for this innocent man. In May 2006, his case against the US is dismissed due to state secrets that would need to be revealed in its defense. His story is all over the Internet but I extracted these details from a documentary called "Outlawed" from the extras section of the movie called "Rendition" on DVD. There's also a book called "Ghost Plane" thtat describes this never ending nightmare more thoroughly. I even get a mentioned in that book, I assume was me. This at least brought me some comfort to know a reason for this madness.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

They say its all legal.

Or so I'm under the impression. But its getting really bad. It's like they are interrogating me and want me to tell them who the terrorists are or where they are coming from, maybe. I can't figure it out, so I don't know who to blame but they are threatening me with a 'weather or wind machine', and earthquakes too. Evan as if the war is my fault. I'm not a terrorist but the community policing system in my neighborhood seem to have me surrounded. They have been bugging me to get out on the web and social networks but I don't know how to use them. I became aware of some bad stuff happening me to, "in my face" like in 2003 and have been biting and kicking since. I've just recently realized that I may actually be an Enemy Combatent (EC). And trust me, you don't want to be one - look at Brittany Spears. They don't need to have proof, in fact, a name similar to a suspected terrorist's name can bring EC status. See, it's a secret that we can't know, and everyone in our social circle needs to speak with simultaneous rage and hate to prove they themselves are not ECs or terrorists. Everybody knows somehow. They are gonna start freaking me out worse now that I finally started this blog. But they say everyone ignores and hates me since accussed EC. I guess. I've never been charged with anything just all my rights taken away. It's been unbelievable. In fact, I spend on average 12 hours a day maybe on this special police yahoo network maybe. They constantly scrutinize every move I make plus sabotage everything I plan to do. Everything I do is wrong also. They have flunked me from 4 schools and recently stole my student loan money. It was for escape. Can't hide anywhere anyway except that tunnel running under my house maybe. They smuggle people and drugs from mexico, right into this circle I'm in. Who's profiting off the war? Halliburton and other energy companies, Oil, like Bush. Terrorism is spreading like wildfire as we all know and Halliburton has presence just about everywhere. My interrogators lead me to believe they are coming from Russia, Latin America, and not sure where else. I have a hard time thinking straight and it takes me forever to do anything. I rarely answer email that's not somehow gonna smear me sexually somewhere. These are the same people that do the sex smears and mental torture. The CIA discontinued its practice (suppossedly) as it used to train terrorists in Central America at "School of the Americas". The school moved to Ft. Benning, Georgia as an Army base. I think a majority of their students are from the Republic of Columbia where Bush said they were doing great things. Isn't he a admitted cokehead - the country's "cash cow". Oh yeah, is it public knowledge that the CIA transport narcotics? I need a break and to try to think what to say. I have to do research but both my computers are hacked up and there are even some websites created to mislead me, all of us. be back soon I hope.