Sunday, July 4, 2010

so fuckin what u fuckin trash,,

No, its not my job to be sane when im treated insane or the world is insane. i just know i'll get lost in the shuffle. fucku star wars cheney with ur nuclear weaponage on unwitting citizens. they are the terrorists, im telling you.
im so fuckin tired of the endless fuckin bullshit from lying fuckin serial killing fuckin nazis. yea, i guess i get it about my vision being played on a big screen or bets being placed on my reaction or something like that. they wont let me go, ever, they said. i cried and screamed to shoot them that night a few years back. the news the next morning yelled at me for it. i try to ignore some things because they steal identities and there's nothing i can do about it and if u fuckers would leave me the fuckk alone i wouldn't even fuckin know. so anyway, fucku.

what was i just thinking about bush jr? something about drug dealing? tina.

what are they doing to me morning joe? am i supposed to ask u? you seem to have some insight or my sight. youre cool as hell though. callin me slugo. lol.. fucku guys too. mika is funny, shes an angel since im jesus and all. who at the cia wants to be called god? is it one of the nazi serial killers? hey sorry about all their actions and slaves and stuff. they are torturing me. i think there is a concentration camp for mexicans in a springfield, maybe MO, or in and near Branson. i just got that clue, i guess u call it for this two-dimensional communication, alot. man they are making me nuts. i cant take it, usually. the nazis said they were desensitizing the population to torture the way im being treated. they are trash. i know, funny would be better but i ain't jesus.

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