Thursday, May 20, 2010

god fuckin damnit,, i hate u mother fuckers

You are absolute fuckin trash fuckin scumfuckks. i know pussy baram is going to fuckin fry,, you democrats are trash. why would the conservatives torture me until i tell on them? FUCKERS YOU WILL FUCKIN FRY. tell them the fuckin terrorist says that rachel skank babe. fucku mother fucku people,, mother fucku fuckin stupid fuckks,, fucku,, i hate u fuckin democrats and liberals,, i fuckin hate u,, i hope u fuckin rot,, i know ill be dead and wont be able to enjoy u fuckers getting slaughtered but i can fantasize,, fucku fucku mother fucku trash mother fuckers,, that goes for trash ed steiniger too,, fuckin dumbfuckk,, fucku trash dude,, stick ur fuckin inheritance up ur fuckin nazi ass mother fucker,, fucku, mother fucku,, mother fucku,, god fuckin damn i will fuckin killu if i ever see your old skanky fuckin ass u fuckin trash mother fucker,, ur trash,, ur worse than the fascists nazis,, ur dumbfuckk, pure fuckin dumbfucker,, i hate u mother fucker,, forever,, i swear to fuckin god if i ever see u i will fuckin killu,, that goes for all u fuckin trash liberals killing my sister,, god fuckin damnit,, i will killu,, fucku trash skanks,, im never fuckin interested,, why not killme since u cant torture me to work as ur fuckin slave fuckin trash,, because pussy baram injected fuckin mold into my ass, the fuckin trash fag mother fucker,, so help me god i will have that fuckers licesnse and the rest of u fuckers i will have ur fuckin heads,, fucku,, mother fucku,, i will fuckin killu,,

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