Monday, May 24, 2010

i still will fuckin killu

im not interested in fuckin freedom pusssy baram trash mother fucker,, i cant believe i actually talk to you scum mother fucker,, dude i will fuckin die or i better and im ok with that,, the rest of u rumbfuckin scumfuckks jusxt have to find some other big fag to torture,, baram i hate you more than anyone,, god fuckin damn i hate u fuckin trash,, i hateu,, i hate u,, i fuckin hate u.. i fuckin hate u,, i fuckin hate u.. i fuckin hate u,, i fuckin hate u,, fucku,, fucku.,, i hate u,, i fux ckin hate u,, i will fuckin killu,, fucku,, fucku,,, i hate u,, i will fuckin killu,, i will fuckin killu,,, i will fuc kin killu,,

Thursday, May 20, 2010

god fuckin damnit,, i hate u mother fuckers

You are absolute fuckin trash fuckin scumfuckks. i know pussy baram is going to fuckin fry,, you democrats are trash. why would the conservatives torture me until i tell on them? FUCKERS YOU WILL FUCKIN FRY. tell them the fuckin terrorist says that rachel skank babe. fucku mother fucku people,, mother fucku fuckin stupid fuckks,, fucku,, i hate u fuckin democrats and liberals,, i fuckin hate u,, i hope u fuckin rot,, i know ill be dead and wont be able to enjoy u fuckers getting slaughtered but i can fantasize,, fucku fucku mother fucku trash mother fuckers,, that goes for trash ed steiniger too,, fuckin dumbfuckk,, fucku trash dude,, stick ur fuckin inheritance up ur fuckin nazi ass mother fucker,, fucku, mother fucku,, mother fucku,, god fuckin damn i will fuckin killu if i ever see your old skanky fuckin ass u fuckin trash mother fucker,, ur trash,, ur worse than the fascists nazis,, ur dumbfuckk, pure fuckin dumbfucker,, i hate u mother fucker,, forever,, i swear to fuckin god if i ever see u i will fuckin killu,, that goes for all u fuckin trash liberals killing my sister,, god fuckin damnit,, i will killu,, fucku trash skanks,, im never fuckin interested,, why not killme since u cant torture me to work as ur fuckin slave fuckin trash,, because pussy baram injected fuckin mold into my ass, the fuckin trash fag mother fucker,, so help me god i will have that fuckers licesnse and the rest of u fuckers i will have ur fuckin heads,, fucku,, mother fucku,, i will fuckin killu,,

Friday, May 14, 2010

We're being attacked by Nazis, still.

In The Media Cover-Up of 911, Barrie Zwicker mentions that ‘war games’ were occurring for the military at the same time the terrorists attacked the WTC on 9.11.2001. The ‘war games’ scenarios were of flight hijackings just like what really happened. That’s kind of a smoking gun combined with the fact that the Twin Towers were a ‘white elephant’ that had a hard time attracting tenants, Rockefeller’s worst investment at one time. Another motive is all the gold that vanished from the basement. Nazis love gold and apparently black gold as well. Just imagine if VP Cheney and Mr. Rumsfeld were buddies and secretly Nazis. Mr. Rumsfeld sold WMD to naïve Iraq. By the way, Saddam was liberal not oppressive, which may be why the conservatives had him hanged. When Cheney was Defense Secretary, he antagonized Iraq as Chevron from Kuwait and he retaliated as the US military with his other, probably Nazi, buddy President George H. W. Bush, the other hawk. In Nicaragua, I read that Bush Sr. and Cheney tried to legalize slavery. I got a hunch that James Jesus Angleton was an alias for Bush Sr. or their crimes were equivalent. Angleton was at the CIA and head of the illegal domestic surveillance or counter-intelligence program that recruited tons of Nazis. Cheney used crack cocaine sales of the CIA to finance guerilla warfare (terrorism) in Nicaragua. He said that it’s important to become their friends and gain their trust for an M.O. of drug addiction, sabotage, and betrayal. William Casey that financed 100,000 contra terrorists in Pakistani camps operated by the CIA supposedly died the day he was to testify during the Iran-Contra hearings, which doesn’t change the fact that America, perhaps exclusively, supports terrorism. I’m telling you the Bush Administration are the real Nazi terrorists. No one hates Americans for our liberties but other countries do wonder why we hate African Americans so much. Sagging shorts and pants are meant to make a statement about being in jail where they take your belt away. Texas is right about the Nazi biased textbooks and I read the propaganda is so bad down there that they have to get their reading material approved by a priest. The real message from Arizona since the whole issue is illegal is that the Nazi Republicans have already taken our rights away through illness, poverty, and mass hypnosis. Its practically common knowledge that AIDS was a man made disease and Nazis would naturally sabotage the economy. Didn’t Hitler do that?

The White House was infiltrated by the Nazi Bush Administration and they refuse to relinquish. Rockefeller does the oversight. Easy math. If Obama wasn’t a puppet, don’t you think he’d address the biggest atrocity in America, the caged black man? Plus, how could he beat a Clinton after such Nazi destruction. Didn’t the US Supreme Court order Guantanamo Bay prison to close and the prisoners were to get trials, not torture. They made up fake rules with memos, not laws, about prisoner interrogation. The ‘rule of law’ means follow the US Constitution and treaties but the Nazis have violated them all. The Nazis won’t even follow court orders and because of the ‘seperation of powers’, the courts don’t have enforcement powers, the White House does.

Building 7 of the WTC fell in demolition fashion a few to several hours late and wasn’t hit by anything. I think the firemen that survived were sworn to secrecy about the seeded explosions throughout the towers that occurred as would normally with planned demolitions. Directive NSC 10/2 permits buildings to be demolished in secret so I’m sure the demolition crews were sworn to secrecy, too. Zwicker said that Cheney had Flight 93 shot down so it wouldn’t hit another building but really it was because the passengers were overpowering the terrorists and taking back the plane. The passengers were making phone calls from the plane. The terrorists only had box-cutters or whatever. The plane was surely supposed to hit Building 7, where all the papers were for Enron’s hearing with the SEC.

The Bush Administration did more media manipulation than they didn’t do including the entire cover-up of 911 and the cheating of three presidential elections. They put Obama in office so that they could continue their hate campaign. Don’t forget, the KKK always allies with the Nazi terrorists. I heard a rumor that Cheney was once the Master Wizard of the KKK and the Zodiac serial killer that tormented the media with riddles before his next kill. The Republicans put out their own rumors, some true, some false, but always manipulative for a campaign of disrespect, abuse, hate, and confusion. They created the conspiracy theorist beast to elicit fear and discredit the victims of Nazism. Their Nazi actions might instill fear like they boast about but the important thing is that hate is perceived by the victims because that apparently effects our memory. It’s mass brainwashing. The trashy conservatives, which is as close to Nazi as legally possible, should all be charged with conspiracy for mouthing off and helping the abusers cover-up 911 by causing trauma and making the electorate forget, which might be a legit respectable goal but not for state sponsored terrorism. The Republicans are committing conspiracy after the fact, which hopefully means obstruction of justice and tampering with evidence (the media and our minds at minimum). The defense of trying to increase voter turnout is a farce since the conservatives have repeatedly proven they cheat on elections. Do Republicans pay better to start or something? The 911 Commission was not a criminal trial, it was an information hearing like the Warren Commission that served to cover-up the truth, also. I heard Bush and Cheney prepared their own questions and redacted 40% of the information. Rover wasn’t even around for that. It’s very disrespectful to the American people. Look at all the hate we’ve endured by the Bush Administration: 911, Katrina, lies about Iraqi Freedom, the public hanging of Saddam that didn’t have WMD, foreclosures, bank bailouts, demolished economy, high unemployment, fear of terrorism, and a phony war on drugs that imprisons otherwise honest citizens. The brainwashing is inescapable even if we are not paranoid. Could the National Guard be Cheney’s world wide Nazi regime, that’s ‘too big to fail’? I think KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, may have been a terrorist making institution. Blackwater seemed Nazi, to me.

Owning and operating the illegal drug trade is surely how the CIA finances terrorism. If we legalize drugs, we could end the illegal wars because we might see terrorism dry up. We would have to eradicate and treat the victims of the drugs that the CIA has used as a weapon like heroin, crack, and meth. Weed, LSD, and Adderall could all be legal and wouldn’t kill near the people that alcohol does, if any. Jumping out of a window on acid is fake propaganda and so is amphetamine withdrawal. Plus, if we get rid of the Nazis, there would be less oppression and less drug use.

The recent oil spill is just more disrespect that chips away at our collective self-esteem and memory of abuse. No one would have ever created such an elaborate system in the Caribbean without an appropriate shutoff valve. We’ve really been abused, much worse than we’d like to admit. They are breaking our wills for self-determination. Education is a natural target of the Nazis and tuition has skyrocketed. I was thinking that it was probably nasty Mr. Rover that led the campaign of mass hypnosis brainwashing. Have you ever heard that TV will rot your brain? Rover must be the reason why. Everybody knows that television possesses the power to brainwash. Cheney is a hawk, which easily translates to a Nazi serial killer but vomit Rover is a pussy and will forever deny any wrong-doing.

The Nazis are killing our troops. How can homegrown terrorists fight an Army and Special Forces with all of the modern technology if there wasn’t an inside guy giving them our plans and reactions? Its like Korea and Vietnam where the American trained Chinese soldiers were fed into the Communist/Capitalist civil wars. Look how the Nazis have mangled or spun the word communist, which historically stood for liberal. Joe McCarthy had to be a Republican. They must blackmail their candidates to turn Nazi or pay really well. The dictionary even defines communism as an oppressive government. The Nazis were working both sides of the Korean and Vietnam wars like they are doing now by secretly training the terrorists. The CIA sponsored camps in Pakistan are sending terrorists next door to kill our soldiers in Afghanistan. So, almost 6000 dead soldiers on the US side alone just so we could bully Afghanistan and Iraq out of their oil, poppy, and money with illegal wars. The CIA Nazi drug dealers go for that poppy, from which they make heroin. I read that Gulf War Syndrome happened because 200,000 of Cheney’s soldiers unwittingly received injections of an experimental AIDS vaccine. I had a buddy named Doug that said he got infected with HIV by the Army, stationed in Germany. That’s the real reason for ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’. Many Nazis escaped the Nuremberg trials by way of the CIA, the US State Department, and even the Pope. By the way, the priests may have been mind control targets by the CIA for all the pedophilia. Operation Paperclip was the name of a program that recruited a bunch of Nazis. MKULTRA was the name of the program that performed mind control tactics on unwitting citizens and they got really good at it. I think they use HAARP to help with mind control. The military can shift plate tectonics and create geothermal energy with HAARP. The CIA have made me believe that they can read minds with this technology, which they have repeatedly demonstrated to me.